October 13 2015

Study of Alternatives and Preliminary Draft of the Infrastructure Networks of the Santa Monica ZDTI

SISTEMA INGENIERIA presented the “Study of Alternatives and Preliminary Draft of the Infrastructure Networks of the Santa Monica ZDTI (comprehensive tourist development area)” to the company Sociedade de Desenvolvimento Turistico das Ilhas de Boavista and Maio, S.A. in Sal Rei (Ilha de Boavista, Cape Verde).

The project involved studying the location of the infrastructure areas of the sewer, water supply, WWTP and SDP systems and power networks shared by both tourism development areas.

Several alternatives were studied for that purpose and the best was chosen on the basis of implementation and operation costs.

By way of summary, the following was studied:

  • • 87,563.86 m of drinking water systems.
  • • 21,358.27 m of irrigation systems.
  • • 77,191.00 m of wastewater systems, of which 23,599 m was gravity and 53,592 m was pressure.
  • • 5 booster stations to pump 15,000 m3/day with an output of 403.40 kW.
  • • 16,330 m of 20 kV electric power grid with its associated transformers ranging from 630 kVA to 50 kVA.

